Want to get always new Visitor Love Quotes? Here is 'My Dear Sweet, My heart is just overflowing with joy this..', the 565th Visitor Love Quotes by samuel. Everyday new and great Visitor Love Quotes can be found here. You can also find love quotes, love messages, romantic sms, love articles and more here. Browse love message website, find your love messages, love quotes etc. and send them to your loved one.

Visitor Love Quotes - 565

My Dear Sweet,

My heart is just overflowing with joy this morning. I had the most wonderful time with you. I think that you are an AMAZING woman. Why? Your look warms my heart. Your touch makes it quiver. Being close to you fills my heart with contentment. Touching and caressing you, in completely innocent ways, comforts me and my heart. Feeling your gentle touch on my lips made me feel desired. Feeling you gently touch my face made me feel loved. Gently touching your face filled me with an ever increasing longing for you. Gently touching your lips filled me with an ever increasing passion for you. You have filled my heart with untold joy and happiness. That is why I think that you are AMAZING, because you make me feel AMAZING.
Category: Visitor Love Quotes
(sent by samuel at 06/04/2010)

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