Want to get always new Daily Love Sms? Here is 'the best and most beautiful things in the world cant be se..', the 873th Daily Love Sms by dulanjee. Everyday new and great Daily Love Sms can be found here. You can also find love quotes, love messages, romantic sms, love articles and more here. Browse love message website, find your love messages, love quotes etc. and send them to your loved one.

Daily Love Sms - 873

the best and most beautiful things in the world cant be seen, nor touched, but are felt in the heart
Category: Daily Love Sms
(sent by dulanjee at 01/12/2010)
ferry sent this on 03/01/2011, 15:52

just try to break me take evrythings away just try to cheak me i don't for my place nothig created and nothing is destroyed a never give this saw a where you are made of
loveeeeee take the way a never give this saw is the way where you made of loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

malcom x sent this on 28/12/2010, 04:49

a mosquito flies to where it pleases and pleases where it flies to

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