Want to get always new Daily Love Sms? Here is 'every1 may nt be gud but, dere’s alwys somthng gud in ev..', the 752th Daily Love Sms by phedzy. Everyday new and great Daily Love Sms can be found here. You can also find love quotes, love messages, romantic sms, love articles and more here. Browse love message website, find your love messages, love quotes etc. and send them to your loved one.
every1 may nt be gud but, dere’s alwys somthng gud in every1.never judge any1 shortly,becas evry saint hs a past
Category: Daily Love Sms
(sent by phedzy at 02/08/2010)
looking into your lovely eyes is all my joy pls can you keep smiling me for me to be happy all the time
Smile is a language of love,
smile is a source to win heart,
smile is a name of lovely mood,
smile create greatness in personality
so keep smiling