Want to get always new Daily Love Sms? Here is 'i am consumed by you, my love. my heart beats just so that..', the 696th Daily Love Sms by jasmi. Everyday new and great Daily Love Sms can be found here. You can also find love quotes, love messages, romantic sms, love articles and more here. Browse love message website, find your love messages, love quotes etc. and send them to your loved one.

Daily Love Sms - 696

i am consumed by you, my love. my heart beats just so that i can hear your voice. you occupy all of my thoughts. waking moments i long to hear from you, and when asleep i dream of you. i miss you when we are apart.
Category: Daily Love Sms
(sent by jasmi at 07/06/2010)
Nav Gill sent this on 08/06/2010, 09:52

Mushkilo se ghabra ke ab jina nahi chahte,
Dur tum se hoke ab rehna nahi chahte,
Yun to dost bahut bane iss zindagi me,
Par aap jaise dost ko khona nahi chahte.

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