Want to get always new Daily Love Sms? Here is 'luv is feeling dat connects 2 hats 2geda no matter hw dist..', the 1039th Daily Love Sms by chukz. Everyday new and great Daily Love Sms can be found here. You can also find love quotes, love messages, romantic sms, love articles and more here. Browse love message website, find your love messages, love quotes etc. and send them to your loved one.
luv is feeling dat connects 2 hats 2geda no matter hw distance they are.
Category: Daily Love Sms
(sent by chukz at 14/05/2011)
baby i need u every seconds in my life...i cannot live without pls i need one kiss...ineed u everyseconds in my life i love u so much...i need u everyseconds in my life i hope u understand that my feelings...my lip kisses for u juct accept that my darling..