Want to get always new Daily Love Sms? Here is 'Far away from here, totally inaccessible. That is where yo..', the 1st Daily Love Sms by unknown. Everyday new and great Daily Love Sms can be found here. You can also find love quotes, love messages, romantic sms, love articles and more here. Browse love message website, find your love messages, love quotes etc. and send them to your loved one.

Daily Love Sms - 1

Far away from here, totally inaccessible. That is where you are. Here next to me, within reach. That is where you are. Where ever you go or when, you will always be near me.
Category: Daily Love Sms
(sent by unknown at 12/07/2008)
nishant sent this on 02/06/2011, 09:17

So far away...
the beaches which you walk.

Yet so close...
always in my heart.

So far away...
I cannot touch your hand,
I cannot feel your breath,
I cannot hold you close.

Yet so close...
I can feel you in my heart,
I can see you in my mind,
I can hear you in my ears.

You can go so far away...
You can travel to the ends of the earth...

But as long as I have your love...
As long as I have you...
You will always be close.

As sure as the sun rises,
And the tides will change,
I will always love you,
An you will always be close to my heart,i care abt u julie and i want u in my life.its me nishant

bimbo sany sent this on 23/02/2011, 03:44

So far away...
the beaches which you walk.

Yet so close...
always in my heart.

So far away...
I cannot touch your hand,
I cannot feel your breath,
I cannot hold you close.

Yet so close...
I can feel you in my heart,
I can see you in my mind,
I can hear you in my ears.

You can go so far away...
You can travel to the ends of the earth...

But as long as I have your love...
As long as I have you...
You will always be close.

As sure as the sun rises,
And the tides will change,
I will always love you,
An you will always be close to my heart,i care abt u jasmin and i want u in my life.its me bimbo

James sent this on 01/02/2011, 06:47

I will always luv u

pankaj sinha sent this on 24/07/2010, 14:28

i love u dear

jatinder singh sent this on 18/06/2010, 09:14

i love u

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