Want to get always new Daily Love Messages? Here is 'sometimes its hard to show just how much you love someone,..', the 1262th Daily Love Messages by juan. Everyday new and great Daily Love Messages can be found here. You can also find love quotes, love messages, romantic sms, love articles and more here. Browse love message website, find your love messages, love quotes etc. and send them to your loved one.

Daily Love Messages - 1262

sometimes its hard to show just how much you love someone, and to show it in words is just a small way of showing how much you love this person.

the best feeling is waking up and the first thought of the day is you, the same thought i went to bed with the night before.

what made me this lucky, what did i do right to have met this person who makes me happy, who makes me smile even if its the worst day ever.
everyday i say thank you, im so grateful for every moment we spend together, every thing we do, everytime you say something that gives me that feeling of a bunch of small people doing starjumps in me….

im all yoursm nothing will ever change that, no one could ever take me away from you, no one could love me the way you do.

i love you for who you are, your personality your smile, your laugh….

will always love you, always have and always will.
Category: Daily Love Messages
(sent by juan at 12/12/2011)

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