Want to get always new Daily Love Messages? Here is 'you make sun rise possible cause you wake up and open your..', the 1172th Daily Love Messages by lisa marie. Everyday new and great Daily Love Messages can be found here. You can also find love quotes, love messages, romantic sms, love articles and more here. Browse love message website, find your love messages, love quotes etc. and send them to your loved one.

Daily Love Messages - 1172

you make sun rise possible cause you wake up and open your eyes
you make birds chirping possible cause you walk in the garden
you make wind blowing possible with your beautiful hairs
you make heart beat possible cause you live in their
you make make angel flying possible because you are the wings
you make our pray possible cause you are blessed
you make honey possible for bee cause you are the sweetest
you make star twinkling cause you are the star of everybody’s eyes
you give true meaning of love cause you are the queen of roses
Category: Daily Love Messages
(sent by lisa marie at 14/09/2011)

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