My eyes Miss U, My Feeling Love U, My hand Need U, My Mind Call U, My heart just 4 U. I will Die without U, Bcoz I Love U.
(sent by iss at 09/08/2008)
I can see my future in ur eyes i luv u more dan words could say
(sent by Abiodun at 09/08/2008)
Smile is a language of love,
smile is a source to win heart,
smile is a name of lovely mood,
smile create greatness in personality
so keep smiling
(sent by MR. Reliance at 09/08/2008)
I can learn 2 smile with sadnes
I can learn 2 cry with happy
I can learn 2 evry think
but I cant 2 learn how forgt u
(sent by Roshan at 10/08/2008)
A day without your love is a day without life.
(sent by aladin at 11/08/2008)
If you fall in river there is a boat .. if you fall in well there is rope .. but if you fall in love there is no hope
(sent by lonely at 11/08/2008)
It's hard to tell your mind to stop loving someone when your heart still does.
(sent by aladin at 12/08/2008)
My love! Talk 2 me wen i'm bored,hug me wen i cry,kiss me wen i'm sad,care 4 me wen i Die,love me wen i'm still alive.I'll always love u B.A.Y
(sent by Agali at 12/08/2008)
Day re 2 busy,hrs re 2 fast, secs re 2 few but deres always time 4 me 2 remember u my luv
(sent by Dotun at 13/08/2008)
if i had a million hart i'll give it to you all, but i have only one so i'll give it to you for a million time. i love you..
(sent by Z!n@§ at 13/08/2008)