Want to get always new Love Poems? Here is 'Beating of Hearts .thump thump, thump thump . One heart a..', the 48th Love Poems. Everyday new and great Love Poems can be found here. You can also browse amazing love quotes, romantic sms, love articles and more.. Browse love message site, find your love messages or love quotes etc. and send them to your loved one.

Love Poems - 48

Beating of Hearts

.thump thump, thump thump .
One heart alone, makes but a single beat
A sound so low and incomplete
A heart all alone, waiting to be heard

Knows not the beauty or songs of singing birds
One heart all alone, knows not love or tenderness
It feels nothing, but has emptiness
A heart alone, searches for its mate
It waits, trust fate, contemplates
Until by chance another beat it hears
That sound it has longed for all these years
Like the timbre of a bass drum
It hears an answer, another thrum

Two hearts are beating, strong and true
The sound grows louder, waiting is through
Two hearts are beating, within one another
Searching is over, they have found that lover
Two hearts are beating, they grow and grow
Together forever, never wanting to go
Two hearts are beating, as the sun goes down
A love true, a love strong, both are bound
And as the sound gently fades into night
Two hearts are beating, this they know is just right
thump thump, thump thump ...
Category: Love Poems
(Love Poems published at 21/02/2009)

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