Want to get always new Love Poems? Here is 'My Sweetheart by Jonathan Townsend So often when I am emb..', the 47th Love Poems. Everyday new and great Love Poems can be found here. You can also browse amazing love quotes, romantic sms, love articles and more.. Browse love message site, find your love messages or love quotes etc. and send them to your loved one.

Love Poems - 47

My Sweetheart by Jonathan Townsend

So often when I am embracing you,
It seems that you exist in this world
only because of me and I exist because of you.

It's not easy to wander in this world
and not lose one's way,
but the greatest happiness of all
is in giving joy to one's beloved.

And if the king can have his throne,
and if the bird can have his Spring nest,
and God can have his heaven,
then I, my sweetheart, I can have you!
Category: Love Poems
(Love Poems published at 20/02/2009)

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