Want to get always new Love Poems? Here is 'Sad but True By Nikki R. Wagers My eyes filled with sorro..', the 42th Love Poems. Everyday new and great Love Poems can be found here. You can also browse amazing love quotes, romantic sms, love articles and more.. Browse love message site, find your love messages or love quotes etc. and send them to your loved one.

Love Poems - 42

Sad but True By Nikki R. Wagers

My eyes filled with sorrow,
my heart an empty place,
your touch, smile and beauty,

can only feel that space,
sometimes I think there's no reason,
to live another day,
then I think of you and my children,
and it leaves that thought a stray,
then in my mind you linger,
and again I'm feeling sad,
I never had a clue,
being apart could hurt so bad,
my soul is already taken,
and you know it belongs to you,
your my life, your my love,
my heart belongs to you.
Category: Love Poems
(Love Poems published at 15/02/2009)

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