Want to get always new Love Poems? Here is 'Abby by Clinton Followell Every time we embrace, I go to ..', the 40th Love Poems. Everyday new and great Love Poems can be found here. You can also browse amazing love quotes, romantic sms, love articles and more.. Browse love message site, find your love messages or love quotes etc. and send them to your loved one.

Love Poems - 40

Abby by Clinton Followell

Every time we embrace,
I go to that far away place
When we just walk hand in hand.
I'm in never, never land.

Whenever I look into your eyes,
I begin to get butterflies,
Then my heart skips a beat,
And our lips passionately meet.

You are always on my mind,
Your face is all it can find.
I think about you every day
And know it'll work out somehow, some way.

Some say we're dumb and foolish
Some say we should do as we wish
But all my heart could ever do
Is tell you that I'll always LOVE YOU.
Category: Love Poems
(Love Poems published at 13/02/2009)

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