Want to get always new Love Poems? Here is 'A Passionate Kiss A passionate night between me and you I..', the 32th Love Poems. Everyday new and great Love Poems can be found here. You can also browse amazing love quotes, romantic sms, love articles and more.. Browse love message site, find your love messages or love quotes etc. and send them to your loved one.

Love Poems - 32

A Passionate Kiss

A passionate night between me and you
I can't begin to tell you the things I want to do.
First we can dim the lights and get closer...
No, wait, that's too fast, let's go back
and move a little slower.

I'll kiss your lips that are so soft and sweet,
then move on to your cheek that's so smooth and unique.
Then I'll move right along that little ear of yours...
Whoa... my, my... let me move along your chest...
Uh, oh I missed a spot, let me move back up to the neck
As I move my tongue around and around
you start to feel it as I go down slowly
and as I kiss your chest your hands go up
...but I'm not finished yet...
I go further down towards your navel...
As I move down past your waist line I begin to kiss...

Oh, I just wake up to realize it's a dream !
A passionate dream fueled by my deep love for you.
Category: Love Poems
(Love Poems published at 05/02/2009)

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