Want to get always new Love Messages? Here is 'Love is not about finding the right person, but creating a..', the 2nd Love Messages. Everyday new and great Love Messages can be found here. You can also browse amazing love quotes, romantic sms, love articles and more.. Browse love message site, find your love messages or love quotes etc. and send them to your loved one.
Love is not about finding the right person, but creating a right relationship.
It's not about how much love you have in the beginning but how much love you build till the end.
Category: Love Messages
(Love Messages published at 02/09/2008)
i luv love
It's Hard to find the right person love. but all i know is love is heart. and trust with out that No Love.
Love is to cherish, love is to be whole, love is above all evil that lives in your soul.
Love is to be kind ,gentle and tru, for if you don't love then your blind to the truth.
So I if you understand what im trying to get out , then you know true love and what is about.
Its meant for life and nothing else, no reason or explanation can keep it from coming out. : note: you may use this poem but don't try to steal it because I've already copyrighted it thank you
ga this is for you
love is name and sex is game never play d game buntil wedn nite
fall in love is like blinking eyes
It is good to be with one girl
please dont forget ther love is the cky dat hopen the door of your happnes.
It hard to find truly love but when you find it is very hand to miss it
I know love is just like feeling that people shall together to make one other happy
It's hard to find someone whom you truly love, much less to find someone who loves you as much.
When the chance comes, don't ever let go