Want to get always new Love Letters? Here is 'Honore de Balzac to Madame Evelina Hanska Our love will bl..', the 5th Love Letters. Everyday new and great Love Letters can be found here. You can also browse amazing love quotes, romantic sms, love articles and more.. Browse love message site, find your love messages or love quotes etc. and send them to your loved one.

Love Letters - 5

Honore de Balzac to Madame Evelina Hanska
Our love will bloom always fairer, fresher, more gracious,
because it is a true love, and because genuine love is ever increasing.

It is a beautiful plant growing from year to year in the heart, ever extending
its palms and branches, doubling every season its glorious clusters and perfumes;
and, my dear life, tell me, repeat to me always, that nothing will bruise
its bark or its delicate leaves, that it will grow larger in both our hearts,
loved, free, watched over, like a life within our life...
Category: Love Letters
(Love Letters published at 05/08/2009)
levin sent this on 11/01/2011, 10:04


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