Daily love sms Page: 97 . You can find everyday new love sms in these pages. Browse through the sub pages of the daily love sms category, find your great love sms and send it to your loved one! You can also find lots of free love messages, romantic messages and tips, love quotes and more in this website.

Daily Love Sms

when i mention your name lay down low
when u hear my voice swallow your worries
when i say goodbye keep smiling.
(sent by thomas appiah at 26/02/2011)
i've been arrested for bein the ugliest person in britain, can u cum down the police
station and show them it's a mistake?
(sent by unknown at 27/02/2011)
i flew to a wonder world only to come back and find that you missed me so much. only you is the i will always love.
(sent by ochiepapa at 28/02/2011)
am in love with even more cause missing u is driving me crazy
(sent by joseph at 01/03/2011)
‎:'( ''/ all we can do is cry cry cry cry ....cry abit more hug each other say everythings be ok in the end and get on with it ...yeah maybe its what u call feelings everyone got them sooo why cant we ... coz i know one thing i'll fight to the end to get ya :( :( ♥ ♥
(sent by robert at 02/03/2011)
i see ur face when i eat food, u disturb me when i sleep, tell me sth i wait for u
(sent by ibsaa at 03/03/2011)
u ar all i nid no gold or diamond could d luv i av 4 u don't b afraid i'm 4 u
(sent by adewale at 04/03/2011)
when you love someone everything in the world stop for a moment, just like a little kid when they adore the beauty of the starry in the sky
(sent by nomsa at 05/03/2011)
i always feel like eating love but love is invisible i can only feel it when an with my love
(sent by naomi at 06/03/2011)
one who smokes,
has a smoky heart,
one who drinks,
has an alcoholic heart…
so dear u must stop
eating sweets …
as u r already
a sweetheart!**
(sent by jingal at 07/03/2011)