Daily love sms Page: 96 . You can find everyday new love sms in these pages. Browse through the sub pages of the daily love sms category, find your great love sms and send it to your loved one! You can also find lots of free love messages, romantic messages and tips, love quotes and more in this website.

Daily Love Sms

are u among the angels of god?are u a creature?my dear, r u a human?all these questions run in ma mind coz of ur angelic looking.ur beauty iz uncomparable 2 creatures and humans.i luv u baby.
(sent by obeng shadrack at 16/02/2011)
the more we're together, the more things we share
the more we find new ways to show that we care
more hopes come to mind now, more plans and dreams too.lots of love from me
(sent by emmah at 17/02/2011)
happy valentines day |”"|__|”"|.*.*
| appy.*
(sent by unknown at 18/02/2011)
if kisses were water, i would give u an ocean. if hugs were leaves,i would give u a tree. if life were a planet,i would give u a galaxy.if luv is life, i will give u mine. love u dear... love u kathy
(sent by kathy williams at 19/02/2011)
i don't know much, but i know i love you; that may be all i need to know; that may be all there is to know pls. love me
(sent by raktim at 20/02/2011)
even though we are not together this valentines day but i'll be with you wherever you go. love you always.you have opened the doors of my heart. now it's for you to walk through i
(sent by naveen at 21/02/2011)
having u its lyk havin the whole world in my hand, i love u
(sent by martin at 22/02/2011)
the ultimate base of love is understanding.....
(sent by tom at 23/02/2011)
oh baby i promise i wil love u for d rest of my life bcos i ve unlimited admirations for u.
(sent by ibk is ok at 24/02/2011)
if you know how painful it is to miss u,i would write it on a stone and throw it to you and nock your head.
(sent by kelvin kevy at 25/02/2011)