Daily love sms Page: 94 . You can find everyday new love sms in these pages. Browse through the sub pages of the daily love sms category, find your great love sms and send it to your loved one! You can also find lots of free love messages, romantic messages and tips, love quotes and more in this website.

Daily Love Sms

here is my heart, it is yours so take it,
treat it gently, please do not break it.
its full of love thats good and true,
so please keep it always close to u.
(sent by nethravathi at 27/01/2011)
love is not something you feel. it's something you do.
(sent by salah at 28/01/2011)
cindy vuong, you are mine forever. from the first day i saw you, it was love at first sight, you looked adorable on our first date at the movies and i intend to get laid from you cindy
(sent by anonymous at 29/01/2011)
i love all the stars in the sky, but they are nothing compared to the ones in your eyes!
(sent by eric at 30/01/2011)
i want you to know i'm thinking of you all the time. even though you may not be thinking of me, thats ok. cause even one directional love is very very beautiful feeling!
(sent by mendie at 31/01/2011)
girl , you're the love of my life .
you're the key to my heart .
i love you .
(sent by lwj at 01/02/2011)
there is no me without u. i luv u
(sent by unknown at 02/02/2011)
love without kiss is like tea without sugar..
(sent by kiir atem at 03/02/2011)
you're all i think about at night :)
(sent by ryeowook is my love at 04/02/2011)
whatever it takes , or how my heart breaks , i will be right here waiting for you :)
(sent by ryeowook is my love at 05/02/2011)