every good day is a happy day as long as u text me once a day.a text from you always make me feel love and smile.
(sent by elabor b. sanusi at 07/01/2011)
sleeping is hard without, hearing ur sweet voice.
(sent by sola ogunpeju at 08/01/2011)
i love u 4 ever and ever babe! you are the greatest thing that ever happened to me!
(sent by yordy at 09/01/2011)
favour, u are d apple of my eyes, i can never allow anybody 2 touch u, becos i don't want 2 get blind
(sent by frank blueboy at 10/01/2011)
my heart waiting for you. dont worry it can wait for you for lifetime!!
(sent by sam at 11/01/2011)
my cute wife,i go to bed with tears every night waiting for the moment i can hear from you. i don't know this feeling - i have never experienced it. i want you by my side. i could never get tired of being near you whether on the phone,i missed you more than words can say. i genuinely love you.ur husbandxxxxx
(sent by muhammad at 12/01/2011)
thanks for brightening my whole day, my week for sure.
thanks for reminding me that love is not just one thing, but if it's anything it's sincere.
(sent by katie at 13/01/2011)
you are my charming prince, and i am your devoted princess. i cherish any thought of you, prize any memory of you that rises from the depths of my mind, and live for the day when our physical separation will no longer be.
(sent by phyles at 14/01/2011)
you have shown me the love of a mother not that of friends,cause friends can be unfaithful to their friends, a man can be unfaithful to his woman and a wife can be unfaithful to her husband, but that of a mother to her child no matter the cricumstances can never be unfaithful. i love you.
(sent by dan at 15/01/2011)
the word hello means h= how are you? e= everything all right? l= like to hear from you l= love to see you soon o= obviously, i miss you
(sent by olusola ajibade at 16/01/2011)