if 100 present people love you i am one of them, if 99 present people hate you i am remaining 1 present, if all people hate you bee sure that i am dead. to whom i love mk.
(sent by moha at 30/11/2010)
the best and most beautiful things in the world cant be seen, nor touched, but are felt in the heart
(sent by dulanjee at 01/12/2010)
honey you are the sweetest honey i have ever come across and u will be till the end of my last breath..
(sent by rose at 02/12/2010)
last night i saw u in my dream and i was good of u if only u give me the chance to prove how much i love u. in reality, i will love for u forever....
(sent by paul jeff at 03/12/2010)
because of you
my world is now whole,
because of you
love lives in my soul.
(sent by destiny at 04/12/2010)
martha i used 2 col queen of my heart and we used 2 share our heart 2gether, talking and smile. but now since we broke up it feel like im trap in a dark hole and no 1 is there 2 try 2 me up and make me free. plz where ever u are plz try 2 think of me or our luv as u know i didn't hurt u since we meet and we were great 2gether plz make me free just give me a col i mic u and i hope u mic me 2. anyway i wont 4get our luv we were having a special gift 4rm god antile devile trap our luv or destroy it. god maybe with u where ever u are! take care honeybounch. i will always think of u. thax darling meet me in my dreamland there i will hug u kiss u wish u a gud future.
(sent by joseph skosana at 05/12/2010)
is such a wonderful feeling..
that cannot be explained until you love...
(sent by sudharshan at 06/12/2010)
"everytime i look at u mylife is complete"
the day u smiled at me ... the day i was fallen in love for u...
(sent by ms.szekret08 at 07/12/2010)
a year ago i met a girl of such shocking beauty, my breath stopped every time i looked at her... and now, i am texting her!!!
(sent by shapo at 08/12/2010)
my breath stopped every time i looked at you. my heart ached at such a sight as you presented.. please understand me i am the biggest lover for you!
(sent by alex at 09/12/2010)