Daily love sms Page: 76 . You can find everyday new love sms in these pages. Browse through the sub pages of the daily love sms category, find your great love sms and send it to your loved one! You can also find lots of free love messages, romantic messages and tips, love quotes and more in this website.

Daily Love Sms

love is in soul which inspire the every moment of life that i am with you
(sent by arunkumar at 01/08/2010)
every1 may nt be gud but, dere’s alwys somthng gud in every1.never judge any1 shortly,becas evry saint hs a past
(sent by phedzy at 02/08/2010)
lov is'nt about distanc betwen 2couples bt about dey hapines my lov dou we'r separated by distanc wat we hav in our heart is real,true nd 4eva.lov ya.
(sent by phedzy at 03/08/2010)
i was blessed the day god sent you to me
(sent by blessed at 04/08/2010)
i love you too sooooooo much and i promise you that nothing in this world be it the past, present or future, will ever change the love i have for you.
(sent by kaugo at 05/08/2010)
i am happy we meet and i hope we will grow more together and one day get married i love you forever
(sent by mandla at 06/08/2010)
love is nt da words dat ar writen or spoken bt ar leters dat do nt mean or expres wat can be felt insid da lovng heart
(sent by phedzy at 07/08/2010)
when the restless sun goes to sleep then wakeup your face brightly in my mind....
in the deep of your colorful eyes i want to lose myself......
(sent by rudro at 08/08/2010)
i know i can be a pain in the ass but i love you more than anything. you are all ive ever wanted and i never want to lose you. you do so much for me and sometimes i dont realize it. i consider myself lucky to be with you. im going to love you forever and ever.
(sent by djsimon at 09/08/2010)
my love for you can't be contained because my heart is loving you way beyond its fullest capacity
(sent by chatman sieben at 10/08/2010)