Daily love sms Page: 150 . You can find everyday new love sms in these pages. Browse through the sub pages of the daily love sms category, find your great love sms and send it to your loved one! You can also find lots of free love messages, romantic messages and tips, love quotes and more in this website.

Daily Love Sms

i love you from the core of my heart, i'll always keep you close to me, no matter what!
(sent by martina at 09/11/2012)
it's easy to say i love you. but only "i do" says you're really one, for always.
(sent by macey at 10/11/2012)
my luv.
wht a gre8 tin d@ has eva happen 2 me
u r al a man can desired
tenk god am. a lucy man
i will always. luv. wit al my hrt
missin u oluwatunmininu
(sent by odunsi. oyewole. kehinde at 11/11/2012)
listen to my heart beat as it goes, thump, thump, thump. it is saying i love you, i love you, i love you.

don't you believe me? really come closer, you'll hear my love!
(sent by mustapha at 12/11/2012)
i love you so much. i love the sound of your voice and the way we touch. i love your warm smile
(sent by jes at 13/11/2012)
i love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. i love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride
(sent by reb at 14/11/2012)
describing my love for you is often times beyond words and the only three words that best describe my love for you are; “i love you”. and actually those are not enough too. i truly ove you, you can't imagine.
(sent by marc at 16/11/2012)
i love you, with the breath, the smiles, and the tears....
(sent by ayise at 17/11/2012)
you just couldn't imagine life without me anymore, but you're so afraid i'll go away. baby, i'm not going anywhere. i love you so completely now
(sent by thelma at 18/11/2012)
loving you is one of the greatest wonders of the universe..... i may never be able to find the most authentic words to express my sincere love for you
(sent by manila at 19/11/2012)