Daily love sms Page: 104 . You can find everyday new love sms in these pages. Browse through the sub pages of the daily love sms category, find your great love sms and send it to your loved one! You can also find lots of free love messages, romantic messages and tips, love quotes and more in this website.

Daily Love Sms

if i said i care bout u,cherish u,hav feelinz4u nd love u ...
this four fantastic word cannot even define hw much u mean2me..
u rule my heart
(sent by major pinky at 07/05/2011)
love is a rose.
plack it without getting hurt, and present it to your loved one!
(sent by vamsi.i at 08/05/2011)
hi my lovely, how can i say... ihmm, yeah found... i've always only loved you!
(sent by yourlovelylove at 09/05/2011)
stimulate the heart to love and all other good things will rise from their own accord
(sent by pethias makapa at 10/05/2011)
all i can think is just you! what a great destiny i have cause i met with you. you are beyond the greteast treasure for someone! love you too much!
(sent by sandy at 11/05/2011)
baby i really love u..baby ilove u so much...da...i need u so much in every minute of my life...im not able to get away from u with every seconds..
(sent by kun kun kun at 12/05/2011)
i luv it wen u hold me,i luv it wen u kiss me,i luv it wen u touch me,i luv it wen u stroke my hair nd tel me dat u love me so much.no one is as sweet as you clestus i love u teddy
(sent by becknisa at 13/05/2011)
luv is feeling dat connects 2 hats 2geda no matter hw distance they are.
(sent by chukz at 14/05/2011)
love sinks deep in everyone`s heart than stones on indian ocean
(sent by yasin at 15/05/2011)
ok how do i start?... you are the whitest angel that shines my every second. i cannot express how much i love you, so this little boz would not be enough. just wanna say, i'll make you happy not everyday, every millisecond!
(sent by adriana at 16/05/2011)